Saturday, September 21

5 Songs With my Name on the Title

Image by Change Agrella via Free Range Stock

You know songs that have actual people's names on it? Usually songs like "Hey There Delilah" and "Iris" have sweet lyrics that make your heart melt in awe. Thinking about songs like that made me realize something: what if someone wants to serenade me? After a few moments, I believe that I should be looking for songs with my name literally on it.

The problem with "Lisa-themed" songs is that most of the ones I found are dedicated to Mona Lisa. (Damn you, da Vinci.) Luckily, Google and Spotify helped me look for 5 songs that are about plain Lisa. Below is the list of songs that are about me along with a few verses and little commentary.

1. Lisa by Eric Hutchinson

You never have to do
Anything we come to you
And the world outside revolves around sweet Lisa (Woot! Beat that, sun!)
And you never can be wrong
Cause we always play along
And I get myself in trouble just for Lisa (So you'll serve some jail time just for me, buddy? Sweet. Have my children.)

2. Lisa, Make Love (It's Okay!)

Lisa had problems with talking to boys (Not with my bros, man.)
She was lonely, and tired, and sad
So she sits in her room drinking coffee all day (I drink tea, thank you. And eat Chili's Texas cheese fries along with that.)
It was bad, it was bad, it was bad (No shit, Sherlock. Coffee overdose is very bad.)

3. Lisa Says by Velvet Underground

Lisa says, Lisa says, Lisa says, Lisa says (Say "Lisa says"100 more times!)
Lisa says that she's on the run
Looking for a special one
Lisa says that every time she makes his trip
She knows her heart will beat (Doesn't my heart beat all of the time?)

4. Life after Lisa by Bowling for Soup

'Cause there'll be
No more mountain climbing in the rain (Hon, you brought this upon yourself.).
No more long hair clogging up the drain (Guilty as charged.)
No more life will never be the same
Life after Lisa is not so bad at all (I'm sorry I bothered you with climbing and clogging.)

5. Losing Lisa by Ben Folds

The lights are off again
She took me by surprise (I used my ninja skills for this!)
She's so sensitive
This shit just happens sometimes
She's my everything
She's my best friend and more (More than best friends, right? Are you my bro?)
We don't do anything
We didn't do the day
Before you go
You oughta know
That I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted you to know

What are some songs with your name on the title? Do you like them?

Thursday, September 5

Phone Problem

Image by Alessandro Antonelli via Wikimedia Commons

When I was a freshman in high school, my parents gave my first cellphone. It was a brand new Nokia 5300 that came with sliding action and a music player. Even though it wasn't as amazing as phones nowadays, it was cool at the time.

I was very proud of carrying my portable piece of white brick in my hand. I felt like a total badass sliding my phone and rocking out to music. Especially to a certain song that mentions milkshakes bringing boys the yard. Preferably, the version with an electric guitar.

Unfortunately, my high school did not allow students to parade with their cellphones in their hands. We either have to stuff them in our backpacks or store them in our lockers. Since I didn't want my phone to go off in my backpack during class, I thought keeping my precious block in the locker room was a brilliant idea.

One day after school, I couldn't get my phone out of the locker. I tried sliding the handle open, but the textbooks jammed my locker from the inside. I wished I would have stayed longer to get it out. But because my dad was in a hurry to pick me and my sister up, I was forced to leave my phone in my locker.

The next morning, I walked in the locker room only to find my classmates hurdling over the area where my locker is at. Once I heard that familiar tune, I knew that the commotion had to do something with me.

My phone really brought the kids to my yard (locker). They were grinning ear to ear just listening to Milkshakes playing on repeat. One of my classmates asked, "Who is that dumb to have this song playing in their locker?"

Since the locker belonged to me, I was forced to step up and retrieve my phone. I don't remember the details of how I got my brick-of-a-phone out, but I remember how embarrassing it was to see everybody crowding up near my locker.

If there is some business that you need to take care of, it's best to do it now. Otherwise, Milkshakes will be playing out loud in the locker room.

Monday, August 26

Describe Yourself Using Letters of Your Name

Image by typofi via stock. xchng

You know who you are. In fact, you know every little detail that makes you unique. But since you know yourself too well, it may be difficult to describe yourself in a few words. If you can't think of anything on the top of your head, you can use the letters in your name to help guide you.

Having both your name and lovely words in the same space may benefit you. The association the descriptors with your name helps you keep a positive identity. When the time comes to describe yourself to others, you will shine.

You can also use your friends' names to describe them in a positive way. That way, it lets you pick up the traits and quirks your friend loves about you like my bro did for me. He doodled one of the sweetest most badass things for his fellow bro (me) on his iPad, which explains why the picture below looks funky. Although this was a product of his boredom, this picture was a kind gesture.

This little activity is super simple, but coming up with certain words to describe yourself or your friend is hard. Here are some websites to help you if you're stuck with some certain letters.

Do you like what you're seeing? Feel free to share your name describers below and other ways to love yourself.

Sunday, August 18

5 Darndest Things I Said as a College Freshman

When I first entered college, I tried to be more outgoing so that I would become a social butterfly. I wasn't a social butterfly, but I was definitely something social a socially awkward penguin. Here are some wise words I have spoken in my younger days along with little explanations. Don't take this seriously.

1. "I don't want any smartasses or any dumbasses. Just ass."

Freshman year was the time when I got fed up with guys who were either snobby about their intelligence or cocky about their manliness. I wanted some nice normal ass for once.

2. "...and he gave a damn."

This was said with a smile on my face with no sarcasm whatsoever. The boy mentioned in this quote, my crush at the time, really did give a damn about us sharing the same Zodiac sign. Although it was something little, I got excited knowing that the guy actually took note of that.

3. "He's stickin' with his yin and his yang, yo."

For a freshman, the guy had some mad skills balancing his yin and yang. He's awesome for knowing how to be badass and chill at the same time. Too bad I don't know where he is now.

4. "No! I'm not! I'm not a ninja!"

Do you expect me to jump over a wall with ease and perform a perfect landing? People's expectations of Asians' ninja skills are too damn high.

5. "I'm going to drop off my fries."

No need for an explanation for this one.

    What are some of the darndest things you said when you were a college freshman or younger?

    Tuesday, August 13

    That Damn Cake

    Image by redvisualg via stock.xchng

    When I was 4 years old, my parents and I attended my sister Michelle's Pre-K end-of-the-year ceremony. At the time, I didn't know what was going on. So instead of sitting patiently and watching my sister's class performance and the receiving of fake diplomas, I wandered around the cafeteria (the place where it's held) while clutching onto my plastic Barbie purse.

    After the ceremony was over, everybody headed over to the classroom to celebrate. My parents let me follow my sister around the classroom to keep her company. Then, I saw it. Sitting in the middle of a few desks covered in tablecloths, its pastel looks beckoned me to devour it. It's cake.

    Unfortunately, the slices were for Michelle's Pre-K class only. Instead of enjoying a piece of cake with the kids, I stood awkwardly near Michelle while she sat comfortably on her desk eating some of that cake.

    If I was violent, I would have bopped my sister in the head with my purse and steal her cake. But since there were a lot of adults and children surrounding us, that's impossible. Plus, I would have never thought of that idea since my little eyes were fixated on Michelle's cake slice.

    "Lisa! It's time go! Say goodbye to your sister!" my mother shouted, breaking my trance.

    What? I have to leave without getting a piece of cake? My 4-year-old logic told me I must take some desperate measures to get what I want.

    Before my parents dragged me out the classroom with them, my tiny hands grabbed the edge of the door frame and held it tightly. I was hoping that my parents would get the message that I want to stay for cake. Unfortunately, they didn't get the memo.

    They attempted to pull me away from the door, but I was kicking and screaming. My mom tried multiple times to calm me down, but that didn't help the situation. So, my parents received backup. Mrs. Ortega, my sister's teacher, arrived to remove the 4-year-old ruckus from her classroom.

    "Goodbye, Lisa," Mrs. Ortega said sternly.

    "Goodbye, Daddy!" I cried as my parents successfully pulled me out of the classroom.

    I think they felt sorry for me because they thought I wanted to stay with my older sister. In reality, I wanted to stay because of that edible block the Pre-K kids get to eat. What child would want to leave a piece of pastry perfection behind?

    If I learned anything from little 4-year-old me, it's that kids would do the darndest things to get what they really want. I should have rationalized with the adults for cake in the first place. But do you think little Lisa would know about negotiation and how that would save everybody from so much trouble? Of course, not. You can't blame that little critter for craving stuff. I just want that damn cake.

    Monday, August 5

    A Little About Me

    Hi, readers! If you are curious about the person in the picture, what this blog is about, and why it exists, read further.

    I'm a 20-something year old college student, born and raised in Texas. When I'm not busy with school, I daydream and tweak around with art freeware. I love cheering people up and brighten someone's day. I especially love making people crack a smile or laugh.

    I plan to upload dorky, offbeat, and light-hearted posts. Topics will include my personal stories, rants and raves, tips, and social experiments. I might expand more, but I'll generally post about them.

    The reason why I blog is because I want to express myself as a developing individual and promote positivity to readers, even if it means embarrassing myself. I believe that blogging will help me record my journey towards being the best person that I can be, and it can also teach you how you can do the same with giggles and laughter along the way. If scrolling through my blog keeps you entertained (even for a few minutes), my mission is accomplished.

    I hope this blog will lift the corners of your mouth as you read about my gains and mishaps along the way. If you want to get involved in this dorky riot, stay tuned for future posts.

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin!
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