Thursday, September 5

Phone Problem

Image by Alessandro Antonelli via Wikimedia Commons

When I was a freshman in high school, my parents gave my first cellphone. It was a brand new Nokia 5300 that came with sliding action and a music player. Even though it wasn't as amazing as phones nowadays, it was cool at the time.

I was very proud of carrying my portable piece of white brick in my hand. I felt like a total badass sliding my phone and rocking out to music. Especially to a certain song that mentions milkshakes bringing boys the yard. Preferably, the version with an electric guitar.

Unfortunately, my high school did not allow students to parade with their cellphones in their hands. We either have to stuff them in our backpacks or store them in our lockers. Since I didn't want my phone to go off in my backpack during class, I thought keeping my precious block in the locker room was a brilliant idea.

One day after school, I couldn't get my phone out of the locker. I tried sliding the handle open, but the textbooks jammed my locker from the inside. I wished I would have stayed longer to get it out. But because my dad was in a hurry to pick me and my sister up, I was forced to leave my phone in my locker.

The next morning, I walked in the locker room only to find my classmates hurdling over the area where my locker is at. Once I heard that familiar tune, I knew that the commotion had to do something with me.

My phone really brought the kids to my yard (locker). They were grinning ear to ear just listening to Milkshakes playing on repeat. One of my classmates asked, "Who is that dumb to have this song playing in their locker?"

Since the locker belonged to me, I was forced to step up and retrieve my phone. I don't remember the details of how I got my brick-of-a-phone out, but I remember how embarrassing it was to see everybody crowding up near my locker.

If there is some business that you need to take care of, it's best to do it now. Otherwise, Milkshakes will be playing out loud in the locker room.

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