When I first entered college, I tried to be more outgoing so that I would become a social butterfly. I wasn't a social butterfly, but I was definitely
something social a socially awkward penguin. Here are some wise words I have spoken in my younger days along with little explanations. Don't take this seriously.
1. "I don't want any smartasses or any dumbasses. Just ass."
Freshman year was the time when I got fed up with guys who were either snobby about their intelligence or cocky about their manliness. I wanted some nice normal ass for once.
2. "...and he gave a damn."
This was said with a smile on my face with no sarcasm whatsoever. The boy mentioned in this quote, my crush at the time, really did give a damn about us sharing the same Zodiac sign. Although it was something little, I got excited knowing that the guy actually took note of that.
3. "He's stickin' with his yin and his yang, yo."
For a freshman, the guy had some mad skills balancing his yin and yang. He's awesome for knowing how to be badass and chill at the same time. Too bad I don't know where he is now.
4. "No! I'm not! I'm not a ninja!"
Do you expect me to jump over a wall with ease and perform a perfect landing? People's expectations of Asians' ninja skills are too damn high.
5. "I'm going to drop off my fries."
No need for an explanation for this one.
What are some of the darndest things you said when you were a college freshman or younger?
You really are a riot! TOO FUNNY.